The Newness of Spirit Podcast

For those seeking to love Jesus more, come join the journey of learning the Crucified Christ as the life of the believer!

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Newness of Spirit Podcast

We are all about Jesus, here.  And we want everyone to know that it is meant to be that way for every believer, all the time!  Christ is our life, and we are pursuing Him that He might live in us, all the time.

This podcast will be a hodgepodge of different sharings: some classes, some speaking engagements, and some episodes that are just for this podcast.  But no matter what the circumstances surrounding each episode, they will all lift up Jesus Christ so that He might be revealed in us. 

Come join us, and allow the Spirit to take you to the Cross.  You will find Christ there as the Eternal Spirit who desires to inhabit His people!


Wednesday Jul 24, 2024

The story of Jephthah's daughter can be puzzling for us.  But when the Spirit of God lifts up Christ Crucified, all things are gathered into Him!  In this episode, we gain a glimpse into the life of one saint who was offered unjustly and yet found the Lord.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024

The widow who threw in all her living reveals much of our Lord's heart toward those who live the Crucified Spirit.  They may be of little account in the world, but they are big in the Father's heart!

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024

In this episode we look at Zaccheus' transformation after seeing Jesus' face and hearing His words.  Why do we never hear from him again after this?  Displaying the nature of the Crucified leads to living in another realm!

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024

In this episode, we look at a group of nameless people who disappeared... only to reappear in a different form.  We would not have Paul as we know him without these precious saints!

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

An obscure man rich in wisdom miraculously saves his city and then fades into obscurity.  Why?  What was the wisdom he possessed?  And why do the Spirit-inspired Scriptures call it great wisdom?  This is a mystery that can only be unlocked by seeing the Cross of Jesus Christ from an eternal view!

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Stephen is the next person we will look at.  Here is a wonderful believer, all-out for Jesus, who is suddenly and unfairly taken off the scene.  It looked as though the future of the new church was secured with young men like Stephen set to enter leadership roles.  But he ends up looking more like the Crucified Christ -- and taken. 
Hopefully we will be able to pull the veil back a little bit and understand some of God's heart concerning His precious saints who are taken down this path of sudden disappearance! 

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Just a little more on John the Baptist.  This time, instead of focusing so much on the tragedy of his imprisonment and death, we will look at what happened to John from a heavenly view.  Whenever we embrace Christ in His eternal nature, there is sure to be an increase of Him! 

Wednesday May 29, 2024

John the Baptist is a wonderful example of someone who deeply belonged to the Lord and yet whose life was unfairly cut short.  Why does God not intervene in situations like this?  The answer cannot be found in the created realm or in the heart of man.  We must see Jesus to grasp what happens when an end comes in the form of an unfair death.

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Christ is in us, and the Father has a relationship with Him!  What if so many things we go through are not really about us at all but about the Father relating to His Son in us?  If this were true, then truly the servant is not greater than the Master.  We participate in our Lord's sufferings because we are vessels of His nature.  Those in Hebrews 11 who desired a better resurrection experienced a life cut short -- a tragedy by worldly standards, but precious to us because it is the beginning of an intimate communion with the Father and the Son!

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Why was Jesus called the Beloved Son?  It is more than just a title!  Jesus did the good pleasure of the Father, which was to give Himself into the hands of the ungodly and allow Himself to be put to death at their hands.  In this way, Jesus is the forerunner of all who would be in His image.  This series will show us that as we learn to partake of this Spirit, we enter into a deep communion with the Father and the Son that cannot be accessed in any other way.


Check Out Our Website!

Are you looking for more?  Why don't you head over to our website and take a look around!  You will find literature, poetry, and even study manuals to download.  Everything there is meant to lift up Christ crucified as our life. 

While you are there, send us an email and say hi.

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