Newness of Spirit Podcast
We are all about Jesus, here. And we want everyone to know that it is meant to be that way for every believer, all the time! Christ is our life, and we are pursuing Him that He might live in us, all the time.
This podcast will be a hodgepodge of different sharings: some classes, some speaking engagements, and some episodes that are just for this podcast. But no matter what the circumstances surrounding each episode, they will all lift up Jesus Christ so that He might be revealed in us.
Come join us, and allow the Spirit to take you to the Cross. You will find Christ there as the Eternal Spirit who desires to inhabit His people!
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
When Jesus walked the earth, He encountered a lot of resistance. Now that He lives in us by His Spirit, He still encounters resistance! As we keep Christ before the eyes of our heart, He will live in us the way He lived back then -- with a graciousness and a consistency that is nothing short of Divine.
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
To contrast the nature of Christ with the motives of flesh and self, we look at King Ahab and the prophet Micaiah and what spirit each of them is of. One illustrates the man of sin who comes by the workings of Satan. The other not only brings the living Word of God but takes on the very image of the Crucified Son. We seek for our default to be changed to the Spirit of Christ. May the Spirit of God bring Him forth in us to the destruction of all that exalts itself!
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
Thursday Oct 12, 2023
The work of the Cross brought us to the unsearchable riches in Christ, but there still can be vestiges of the Fall ruling in us, His people. In this two-part series, we will contrast the nature of Christ that has been given us and the attitudes that we fall back into when Christ is not yet revealed. As we cultivate a heart that loves the Lord more than we love ourselves, Jesus will be able to take ground in us!
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Have you ever lived with the sting of an unfair situation long after it had passed? The flesh needs things to be fixed, resolved, and fair. But Jesus is of another Spirit! He gives Himself away, and in so doing, stays clean and full of love. Let's look at Him until we are changed into that same image!
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Love fills all situations with God by moving in lowly ways; and there is a contrary spirit that we were never meant to bear. May the Spirit of God open our hearts to discern the difference between the two!
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
Godliness -- being full of God -- is a beautiful way to live that allows the nature of God to be on display in various social settings. It is amazing how our Lord can even take unfair relationships and fill them with Himself by filling the person who is in the lower seat. Man's way is to change the unfair situation. God's way is to have His people bear His lowly image into every situation.
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
The Father put Jesus His Son into some very unfair situations when He walked the earth. Perhaps this could explain why He lets us stay in some our circumstances! Our Father loves us, and so He treats us as though His Son is in us -- because He is!
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Have you ever struggled with how unfair it seems that those who suffer because of the wicked acts of others don't seem to get a resolution? Why has David been honored through the ages but Uriah, the servant he murdered, is virtually forgotten? It takes a Lamb-mind to comprehend God's way. The thirst for equality and for soothing a wounded sense of justice is fruit from the tree God told us not to eat of! Letting His mind be in you will set you free from the need to get even.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
We commonly ask the Lord for mercy and for blessings, and the psalmist here is no different. But what is our motive in asking for these things? And how can we change our focus so that the glory of God can reach unto all people? The psalmist has discovered the answer to these questions! Let's enter into communion with the Three-in-One.
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
What was the Fall? How did it affect man? And more importantly, how did it affect God? Understanding the love for which He created us throws light on the implications of Eve's actions at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It also enlightens us to a deeper work of the Cross that ministers to the heart of God the Father.

Check Out Our Website!
Are you looking for more? Why don't you head over to our website and take a look around! You will find literature, poetry, and even study manuals to download. Everything there is meant to lift up Christ crucified as our life.
While you are there, send us an email and say hi.