The Newness of Spirit Podcast

For those seeking to love Jesus more, come join the journey of learning the Crucified Christ as the life of the believer!

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Newness of Spirit Podcast

We are all about Jesus, here.  And we want everyone to know that it is meant to be that way for every believer, all the time!  Christ is our life, and we are pursuing Him that He might live in us, all the time.

This podcast will be a hodgepodge of different sharings: some classes, some speaking engagements, and some episodes that are just for this podcast.  But no matter what the circumstances surrounding each episode, they will all lift up Jesus Christ so that He might be revealed in us. 

Come join us, and allow the Spirit to take you to the Cross.  You will find Christ there as the Eternal Spirit who desires to inhabit His people!


Proven Servants

Thursday Aug 10, 2023

Thursday Aug 10, 2023

What makes a servant of God?  Giftings?  Offices?  Doing work for the Lord?  In part, yes.  But there is something else that proves someone is truly in God's service.  When we understand what this is, we allow the Spirit to make the Word effectual in us to let Jesus shine!

Boasting In Infirmities

Thursday Aug 03, 2023

Thursday Aug 03, 2023

The wisdom of this world tells us to play to our strengths and live by our talents.  God moves differently: He looks for the unable and the infirm that He might fill them with His glory! 

Having the Right Spirit

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023

Wednesday Jul 26, 2023

In this episode we will see how "Spirit" sometimes refers to the third Person of the Trinity, and at other times, a disposition or quality of being that is only possible by the new birth.  It is this second meaning that describes how Christ lives in us.  Of course, this is completely dependent upon the Holy Spirit coming to dwell in us!

Patience Having Its Perfect Work

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023

We love Jesus.  We want more of Him, and we want to be in His image; it is just the process that has us stumped!  The Lord desires us to come to Him and receive His wisdom so that patience can have its perfect work.  An increase of Christ takes time, trials, and testing.  Those who love Him will make it through to the other side, full of Jesus and shining with His glory!

Treasure in a Field

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023

Part of the good news of the gospel is that Christ is in us.  Now our Father is working toward Christ living and shining out of us.  We want Him to increase and us to decrease.  So why is it difficult for us to get to that place?  We need to shift from our concepts about who God is to who He truly is.  Then we will start working with Him instead of struggling against how He brings forth the Son in us. 

Blessing from Weakness

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023

See Jesus on the Cross.  From that place of rejection and injustice, He blessed the whole world.  In Christ we see God's way, His nature.  He always "blesses from below."  Now the Crucified lives in us by His Spirit, and the Father desires to see His image in us as we bless others in our times of weakness. 

Forgetting and Fruitfulness

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023

Wednesday Jun 28, 2023

The Cross is not just for sinners; Jesus' death touches every facet of our lives and our beings.  In this episode, we will look at the Lord's desire to bring about fruitfulness in our present season, whatever that may be.  The more that we can be gathered up into Jesus' death, the more He will be released to live in us right now! 

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023

When we find ourselves living with the outcomes of our failings, we can look to the Cross of Jesus Christ.  As we enter into His death, He will fill us and the circumstances that we created.  Truly all things work together for God for them that love God and are the called according to His purpose!

In Prison Yet Free

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023

Paul and Silas' chains fell off in the earthquake, but they chose to stay in prison.  They were so full of Jesus that they allowed Him flourish in their confining situation.  Jesus is not looking for an escape.  He wants to fill us right there in our prison.  He becomes our Salvation as we display His crucified image to those around us!

Wednesday May 31, 2023

The big lesson of the Historical Books is that Jesus needs to be the life of His people.  None of us can give God what He wants until we are full of Jesus!


Check Out Our Website!

Are you looking for more?  Why don't you head over to our website and take a look around!  You will find literature, poetry, and even study manuals to download.  Everything there is meant to lift up Christ crucified as our life. 

While you are there, send us an email and say hi.

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