Newness of Spirit Podcast
We are all about Jesus, here. And we want everyone to know that it is meant to be that way for every believer, all the time! Christ is our life, and we are pursuing Him that He might live in us, all the time.
This podcast will be a hodgepodge of different sharings: some classes, some speaking engagements, and some episodes that are just for this podcast. But no matter what the circumstances surrounding each episode, they will all lift up Jesus Christ so that He might be revealed in us.
Come join us, and allow the Spirit to take you to the Cross. You will find Christ there as the Eternal Spirit who desires to inhabit His people!
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
This lesson is a simple search into the genealogy of Ezra and Nehemiah. Within these lists of names is how the Lord is moving the Seed through a process of testing and development into His full vision for His people.
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
The Book of Esther is not only a book of historical significance. It also is used by the Spirit of God to reveal the Spirit of Christ in Esther's attitudes and actions. In her we see demonstrated the very nature of Jesus as she offers her life for her people while blessing her enemies. The Spirit in which she gives herself ushers in a move of God that is nowhere else to be found in the Historical Books!
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Esther was uniquely placed in a situation by God that she might be able to go to the altar at the right time. How important it is to look not at the things which are seen but a the things which are not seen!
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Nehemiah makes rebuilding the wall about bringing honor to the Lord, not about helping the people fix their problems. As they stand fast in making their focus about the Lord instead of themselves, He comes to their aid. The completion of the wall is followed by a revival in the Word of God. Finally, the tithe is offered in the Holy City.
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Rebuilding the wall under Nehemiah was more than just a construction project; it was bound up with the people's need to be conformed to the image of the Son. They had come up out of Captivity in Christ the Resurrection, but they were still living in Nebuchadnezzar's rubble! As they choose to move out in the Lord, the true issues that have held them back begin to emerge, at which time Nehemiah leads them in dealing with the enemy and loving the brethren.
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Ezra leads the second wave of captive back to the Land. He goes as Priest and as a minister of the Word. How he fulfills His ministry comes about in a way that illustrates Christ the Slaughtered Lamb, and it has a powerful effect upon the people.
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
The Book of Ezra shows how Christ lives in His body in a season of resurrection. Also, the building of the habitation begins with having the Spirit of it in our hearts.
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
In the Book of Ezra we see Christ the Resurrection rise in His people. They take on His image as their hearts respond to His Word and His desire to please the Father. Ezra chapter 1 shows us how Christ is formed in us when He begins to live in us.
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
We look more deeply into the nature of the Captivity and discover that it is a season where the Cross is applied to the heart. The Lord does not desire that we simply live with the consequences of our actions; He wants us to enter into death with Christ in the midst of our failure. This brings hope for the Life of Christ to come forth in manifest resurrection rather than us just getting our problems fixed.
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Our new class in the historical books will focus on the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther. To better understand how Christ is revealed in these books, we give an overview of the Captivity and Restoration. We also examine the spiritual implications of the Captivity as an inworking of the Cross and how it paves the way for new life in those who escape captivity.
Below we have uploaded a timeline to help the listener follow what is being shared in class.

Check Out Our Website!
Are you looking for more? Why don't you head over to our website and take a look around! You will find literature, poetry, and even study manuals to download. Everything there is meant to lift up Christ crucified as our life.
While you are there, send us an email and say hi.